Posted: November 11, 2021
8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF): Nothing new for today.
- Continue working on your booklet " Livret la rentrée".
- Complete check-in on Teams Always make sure to read the directions of the check-in assignments before answering the questions. Contact me if you don't understand.
- Choose 1 of the websites I listed in the attached document and complete 1 activity. (Track your French activities)
7E & 8E Français: Nothing new for today.
- " Bande dessinée" draft was due Friday November 5th.....please send me your drafts by e-mail ( pictures or scan).
- Complete check-in on Teams:
- Choose 1 of the websites I listed in the attached document and complete 1 activity (Track your French activities).
- NEW writing piece" Marche à suivre" has been posted in Teams and on my teacher page. Please work on your draft this whole week. If you have questions don't hesitate to reach out to me.
8E- Collaboration: Nothing new for today.
- Your private groups have been created with the Teams Collaboration site:
- Questions have been posted, you are free to work on these questions whenever is convenient for you. ( Same as last week).
7E & 8E Science Humaine: Nothing new for today.
- Travaux #1 Les septs enseignements sacrés (7 sacred teachings) Due date is Wednesday November 10th, 2021.( Deadline extension to Friday November 12th, as students had some difficulties understanding the assignment).