Posted: November 15, 2019
Advisory- Homeroom
- Grade 7 Vaccination will take place on Monday November 18th, 2019
- Skating 8E & 8P 8:40-10:20- Students must have skates, helmet and gloves. If not skating, students will need a written note from parent/guardian advising why. *** This is part of their Phys. Ed class and students are expected to participate.
- Students have signed up for their 3rd block of activities. Parent- information notice will be sent home Monday November 18th, 2019.
Francais 8E:
- Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
Francais 7/8 L:
- Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
Francais 8P:
- Nothing at this time.
Social Studies 8E:
- Rien
Social Studies
- Rien
Collaboration 7/8L:
- PRODUCT PROTOTYPE- is now overdue! Students MUST have a completed prototype(s) for Tuesday November 19th, 2019.
- Project #2- Power Play Young Entrepreneurs: Studens should be working on project ideas, list of materials they will need, cost of production etc