Devoir vendredi le 2 mars, 2018.

Posted: March 2, 2018

6R Classe titulaire

  • Wishing all the students a wonderful, fun and safe March Break.\
  • When we return from March Break, Tuesday March 13th 6R will be going skating for the last time this year.

6R Santé

  • Work on research at home or speak with parents about the 4 questions in regards to drugs and harmful substances. Today was the last class time given for this asignment ( Monday Feb. 26th). All assignment will be picked up Friday March 2th, 2018.

6R Français

  • Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday.
  • Students are currently working on their " Texte d'opinion", all students should have conclusion and main body of their writing pieces completed and corrected.

6R Social Studies

  • Students should have their good copy of " map" completed or almost completed. The students who have completed their map, our now starting research on choosing an important Canadian who has impacted our Canadian History ( they may not choose an athlete, singer, actor). The purpose of this project is for them to choose a Canadian they know nothing about and create a Biographie about them. I want them to learn something new about our nations history.

6/7 B Français

  • Grade 6 & 7 :Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday with their level book.
  • Grade 6 students (all) and some grade 7 have receivced their username and password for " Au Royaume des sons" ( weblink can be found at the top of my teacher page). Students should be working on this website 1-2 times per week for 10-15 minutes (minimum).

6/7B Science Humaine

  • Students must observe and take note of street names and key features on their route to school from home. They will be creating their own personal map of their school route.

7B Français

  • Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday  ( with their chosen book from their level). If they have reached level 30 they may choose a novel from my bookshelf ( free choice).
  • Students are presently working on reading strategies and novel study. **** Chapter 6 vocabulary words and question 1 comprehension completed for tomorrow Tuesday Feb. 27th.