Posted: February 26, 2016
Classe titulaire 6E1 (HOMEROOM) + Equipe violette (Purple Team).Contact: cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb(link sends e-mail).ca or 627-4088.
- We would like to congratulate Katie Kennedy for being Student of the Month for February. Katie is a very dedicated student who works very hard in all her subjects and is a great class participator. She is also always willing to lend a helping hand to her fellow peers and teachers. Congratulations Katie ;-)
- We would like to congratulatefor Jenna Kennedy and Anna-Leah Simon for being Students of the Week for February 22th-26th , 2016. Great job young ladies ;-)
Français (French) 6E1, 6E2
- 6E1- We have started our novel study " Le Cameleon", this story will be read in class by myself to the students. Students will take part in discussion and comprehension questions both orally and written in class. There will be a quiz and final projects to be chosen by the student at the end of the book. If students are absent during a period we are working on the novel, it is their responsible to get caught up and read the passage which they have missed.
- 6E2- We have started our novel study " Les pirates", this story will be read in class by myself to the students. Students will take part in discussion and comprehension questions both orally and written in class. There will be a quiz and final projects to be chosen by the student at the end of the book. If students are absent during a period we are working on the novel, it is their responsible to get caught up and read the passage which they have missed.
- Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and Smart devices.
Français (French) 6L (late)
- The provincial government has identified what level each grade should be at by the end of the year in June ( by program late and early immersion). Grade 6 Late Immersion must be at level G-H (levels 11-14) by the end of June.
- Reading 10-15 minutes in French every evening ( Monday to Thursday), they will choose books from my classroom.
- Get reading comprehension " La Saint-Valentin signed.
- We will also be starting some grammaire and sentence structure activities.
- Students should be practising grammar activities online ( please see weblinks for practice links), also there are some great free apps available for tablets and smart devices
Science Humaines (Social Studies) 6E1, 6E2, 6L.
- 6L- Answer the following 2 questions ( must have discussion with parents or family members)1. What is my family's culture? 2. What is my family history, where does my mother's and father's originally come from? ** For next class.
- All classes- Students will receive all their notes for this chapiter and should be reviewing 2-3 a week, we will complete activities/ assignments and discussion related to this chapiter and there will be a quiz at the end.
- All classes: Students have received a booklet entitled " Le Canada", they are to work on their booklet 10-15 minutes each night, and can also work on it during Student Enhancement. This booklet is not meant to be done in one day or weekend, it's used for review and vocabulary building. Finished booklets are due by Monday February 29th, 2016. This booklet is geared to help students learn importand and fun facts about Canada, there is a research component in this booklet ( different then previous booklets), not all answers can be found in the booklet itself. Students can ask their parents/guardians for help, use dictionaries, atlas, maps and the internet to help them find the answers.
- 6E2- Finish p.7 textbook assignment ( photocopied sheet) identify 12 activities you do in 1 day and tell me what culture influences this activity. Assignment is due by Friday February 26th, 2016.