Devoir vendredi le 6 octobre, 2017.

Posted: October 6, 2017

6R Classe titulaire

  • Scholastic book orders for October are due October 19th, 2017.
  • No school Monday- Thanksgiving.
  • Pictures are due back ( if ordering) on October 11th, 2017.

6R Santé

  • Do research on the various type of safety ( sécurité a la maison, a l'école, avec l'éléctricité, avec de l'eau, l'internet, en publique et avec le feu). Students will create a pamplet on safety during class time, they will need the do's and don'ts for each type of safety). Students will begin their pamphlet on Monday 16th, 2017.

6R Français

  • Reading evaluation have begun ( running record). Each student will be evaluated on their reading abilities ( fluidity and comprehension) to be at a specific level students must both have fluidity in reading and be able to answer questions/ explain the main points of the story for comprehension.  Students will receive a pink information sheet explainging their strentghs and weaknesses. It will take a few weeks to a month to complete all reading evaluations. Once students have their reading level, they are to chose a book at their level from my classroom and be reading each night for a minimum of 15 minutes. *****Reading is only Monday-Thursday. 
  • Get all three reading comprehension evaluations signed.

6R Social Studies

  • Finish coloring and labelling the Canada map forWednesday October 11th,2017.


6/7 B Français

  • Grade 6- Read small little books choosen each night Monday-Thursday. Each week they will change their two books.
  • Grade 6- Pratiquer ( pratice) phrases et questions ( sentences and questions) orally. ****Once a week
  • Grade 6 - Pratiquer (practice) number #1-20, #21-50, #50-100 and alphabet in French. ****Once  a week
  • Grade7 -Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday ( with their chosen book from their level). 

6/7B Science Humaine

  • Grade 6/7 study review the geography of the world ( question 1-10) there will be a quiz coming up next week.
  • Finish labelling and coloring the Canada map for Friday October 6th, 2017.


7B Français

  • All good copies of writing piece " Mon été" are due Tuesday October 11th, 2017.
  • Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday  ( with their chosen book from their level). *** Some students don't have a book as I have run out of some leveled books and in the processes of ordering more. They have been asked to choose a "free choice" from my bookshelf to continue reading at night