Lundi le 14 juin 2021.

Posted: June 14, 2021

Advisory Richardson- Homeroom 8FI

  • Students from 8P, 7/8 E and 8FI have received their permission slips and invitation for the year end field trip and Grade 8 celebration day.
Please look over all informations, sign permission slip and send back to homeroon teachers by Monday June 14th.


Humanitiés 8FI:

 Francais 8FI:

  • Students are working on a variety of grammar lessons and strategies in class.
  • Students are working on a novel study in class. 
 Social Studies 8FI:
  • Students are learning about rascism, discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes within cultures. We are currently examining and learning about Residential Schools and Indigineous culture. 

 Humanities 7/8 E:

 Francais 7/8 E:

  • Students are working on a variety of grammar lessons and strategies in class.
  • Students are working on a novel study in class. 

Social Studies 7/8E

  • Students are learning about rascism, discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes within cultures. We are currently examining and learning about Residential Schools and Indigineous culture. 


 Health 8FI:

  • Working on relationships and consent. 


 Health 7/8 E:

  • Working on relationships and consent.

PIF- Post Intensive French 8P :

  • We have started a new unit all about comparing "Mode de Vie d'autrefois"- The way of life from before compared to now. - Second focus: Music