Posted: February 9, 2015
Our grade 8 Web Leaders have organized a Valentine's Spirit Week, with a theme for each day and a challenge to be completed at lunch. Here is the schedule for this week: Let's go 6E1....Let's keep the Spirit Award in our classroom!!!!!Monday, February 9thHMS Blue AND White Day! Tuesday,February 10th Look-alike day! (Choose a friend or more and dress alike!) & Stolen Heart Scavenger Hunt!(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Wednesday, February 11th Pink or Red Day& Cupid Timetables(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Thursday, February 12thPajama Pants Day & Valentine’s Spelling Bee(To be held in the SCIENCE LAB during your class’ recess portion of lunch.)Valentine’s Social, 6-8:30pm