Welcome back 2018!

Posted: September 4, 2018

Welcoming all my new and previous students, parents and guardians for another wonderful and exciting year here at MAA. If you need to reach me please telephone the school at 627-4086, leave a message and I will return your call ASAP. Also, you can e-mail me with general information and questions at cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.ca, any important or sensitive matters please call the school.


Advisory Richardson ( Homeroom):

  1. Student information sheet ( white) please look it over and make any corrections needed, also sign and date the back and return ASAP.
  2. Media + Field trip permission form, please fill out and sign. Return to homeroom teacher ASAP.
  3. Student fee is $25.00 can be paid by cash or cheque ( made out to Max Aitken Academy), once student fee is paid, homeroom teacher will issue receipt.
  4. Kleenex boxes, please send in 3 boxes whenever you get a chance. We go through a lot of tissue especially during the winter months as students have colds etc...
  5. Meet the Teacher will be held on Thursday September 13th, 2018 at 6:30 ( beginning in the middle school gymnasium).


Français 7E:

  • Rien/nothing

Science Humaine:

  • Fill out the blanks with the candidate, party name and color which represents the party. Can receive help from parents, family or reserached online.


Français 7/8L:

  • Rien/nothing

Science Humaine 7/8L:

  • Rien/nothing.


Français 8E:

  • Rien/nothing