Home Learning Nov. 9th (Tuesday)

Posted: November 8, 2021

Today we will be having a bit of a longer teams meeting to allow us to look at a few new things together as a class. Our meeting will begin at the same time as normal 9am and end some time between 10:30-11am. Here is the note about our meeting:

Today we will be looking at a few things:
English - we will be exploring our new novel and beginning to discuss the story
French reading comprehension - we will be looking at a grade level reading comprehension and understanding the text as well as answering the questions as a group
Math - we will be doing a review of the different strategies we can use to estimate sums and answering some questions together as a group to help refresh our memories before taking our next step in math tomorrow
Today I will be looking for:
1. lalilo - one completed lesson
2. Math - completing the remainder of the math questions not finished during our teams call
3. English - any answers or discussion questions that we covered about our new story
All materials covered that will be needed to complete work will be posted both here on my teacher page on our teams group. 
Mlle. Alley