One and Only Ivan

Posted: November 9, 2021

These are the two things assigned after reading the beginning of our new story.

Question: Please respond to the quote from the book. You can do this either on teams or on a piece of paper and send it to me.

Drawing: We are drawing a picture of Ivan, our main character, based on the description given in the book.

Here is the section of the book that these two pages are referring to:

How I look

I used to be a wild gorilla, and I still look the part.

I have a gorilla's shy gaze, a gorilla's sly smile. I wear a snowy saddle of fur, the uniform of a silverback. When the sun warms my back, I cast a gorilla's majestic shadow.

In my size humans see a test of themselves. They hear fighting words on the wind, when all I'm thinking is how the late-day sun reminds me of a ripe nectarine.

I'm mightier than any human, four hundred pounds of pure power. My body looks made for battle. My arms, outstretched, span taller than the tallest human.
