Posted: January 20, 2022
Thursday, January 20th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our eight day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “Friends Helping Friends” by Kelly Hashway. Please read passage 2-3 times before completing the 5 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Writing: Write about a time when you have been very busy. Tell what things you must do during this busy time. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: Worksheet #1 “Addition with Regrouping”. Two-Digit Plus One-Digit with regrouping. Add. After each problem, tell if you regrouped. Circle Yes or No. Answer questions 1 to 10. When complete add sheet to your envelope.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all so much!