Posted: January 25, 2022
Tuesday, January 25th, 2022
Good morning students and families!
Today is our eleventh day of Home Learning. Remember work hard and always try your best!
Here are today’s activities!
Reading: “The Perfect Camping Trip” by Anita N. Amin. Please read the story and complete the 5 comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your envelope. **Please keep a list of books read on the reading log included.
Word Work: Unscramble the letters in the boxes to form vocabulary words from the story. Write the complete word on the line.
Writing: Write about a time something didn’t go the way you planned. How were you able to make the best out of the situation? Did you find a way to have fun anyway? When complete add sheet to your envelope.
Math: Dreambox: Please reach out if you do not have your username or password.
*Reading each day and physical activity are very important. Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active!
Thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email.
My email is
Miss you all!