Home Learning - January 11, 2022

Posted: January 11, 2022

Tuesday, January 11th, 2022  Happy New Year! 

See the source image



Good morning students and families!   

I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas break with family and friends. 

Today is our First day of Home Learning. All I ask, is that you try your best!


Here are today’s activities. 


Reading: Reading comprehension for today is the worksheet titled "The Snowman". Please read the passge 2-3 times before completing the comprehension questions. When complete add sheet to your enveloppe.


Writing: Please refer to the "Winter Writing Prompts" sheet. Choose the writing prompt that interests you. Please date the box so you know that one is completed. Use the scribbler to complete your writing piece. Always include the date.


Math: Today's focus Skip counting by 3's. 2 worksheets titled "Skip Counting Butterfly" and "Count by 3's". When complete add sheets to your enveloppe.




It is important for your child to read each day and have them go outside for physical activity. 

Check out Mr.Flynn's Teacher Page for some fun and creative ideas to stay physically active! 


Any completed work can be stored in the Home Learning enveloppe as well as your scribbler until we return to in person learning.

Once again, thank you for all your support during this challenging time of Home Learning. Any questions or anything you would love to share please send an email. 

My email is amy.anderson@nbed.nb.ca. 


I miss you all! :)