Posted: March 2, 2022
Due Date:
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
We have been working towards a test for Operations with Decimals on Friday.
Continuing assignments to help prepare students for this test include (these have been posted on my board for a few weeks):
• Test revision (also attached to this note)
• Text work:
grade 6: p 90 #1-7, 10; p94 #1-7; p97#1-6, 9,12;
grade 7 p88 # 1-6, 9; p94 #1-6, 8; p102 #1,2,4,5,6,8,10
• 4 Supporting Handouts for grade 6; 3 for grade 7
• Handout from today: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
• NetMath Assignments
We will continue reviewing the test revision as a whole class tomorrow. There will be time for individual questions afterward. (Hint: As usual, the revision is very similar to the actual test.)