STEM and Homeroom Notices for Week of Sept 11-15

Posted: September 11, 2023


Jeu, les nombres entiers: 

Due by Tuesday, September 12th  (Lots of class time given)

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 54 #1,2aceg, 5,6,7 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 68 #5,6,7,8ac, 10de

Due by Friday, September 15th  (Lots of class time given)

Grade 7: Adding and Subtracting Integers, p 58 #1,2,4ad,5ad,6-12 

Grade 8: Multiplying and Dividing Integers, p 73 #4,6,8,9,11,13,18


Electrify My Ride, Activité: 

Gaia EV Video:


Sign Activity Sheet.

Meet the Teacher, Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Bring $30 student fee and boxes of tissues.

$2 twoonie for Terry