Welcome to School!

Posted: September 20, 2018

Welcome to Kindergarten!  My apologies for the late start in posting on my Teacher Page, but as you can imagine, this is a busy time of year. ;)

The children are settling into the routines of school and making friends. :)

We have been doing a lot of work with recognizing and printing our names as well as identifying the letters in our names.

This week we have begun playing, exploring and learning all about the letters a and b and the numbers zero and one. We are learning about word awareness, rhyming and how to read a book by reading the pictures. We are learning to listen during story time and be respectful when others are speaking. We are learning to count items and recognize numerals. The children are learning all about their bodies, their families and one another in You & Your World. They are practicing cooperation skills and listening skills in Phys. Ed and they are learning the words to O'Canada and the joy of singing in Music.

I will do my best to update this page weekly. I appreciated your patience. :)