Posted: September 25, 2023
Mon & Thurs: Phys. Ed class. Please bring gym clothes and proper footwear.
Wed: Return Sign-in Sheets for the dance if bringing a student from another school
Thurs: Middle School Dance
Friday: Wear an Orange Shirt for "Truth and Reconciliation Day"
Monday, Oct 2: NO SCHOOL to honor and acknowledge "Truth and Reconciliation Day"
In Math this week, students are studying "Les Nombres Autour de Nous". Students are solving problems(with the use of technology) in which large numbers are used in real life.
Text work : Pages 52-54 Questions #1-11
Exercices Supplementaires 2.26
Students will be sent home with homework if they are not using their class time wisely to complete tasks, or if they are getting behind and could use the extra support.
Have a great week!