Week of Oct 23-27- Math & Reminders

Posted: October 24, 2023

Halloween Dance - Thursday, Oct 26th, 7-9 pm

Any donations you can contribute for our Reverse Trick-or-Treating event at our local's senior homes would be greatly appreciated! Just bring them to your homeroom class.

Math this weekWe are learning all about factors!

Practice work is as follows:

Textbook - Pages 65-66 - Questions #1,2,3,7,8,12a

Practice sheets: Leςon 5 and Exercices Supplémentaire 2.29

Some videos for reviewing the concepts:

Les facteurs premiers - YouTube

(127) L’arbre des facteurs premiers | Mathématiques | Primaire - YouTube

(127) Les facteurs premiers - YouTube

***Your netmath accounts have been set up as well. Your username and passwords are the same as those you use to log into the computers at school. The only exception is that you are to add: @nbss.nb.ca right after you type your username. *** I have added in some modules that you can try to review the concepts that we are currently learning in class.****
