Devoirs/Homework- le 15 janvier

Posted: January 15, 2020

Math- review multiplication facts (each day)- Quiz tomorrow

         - p. 103 #9-14


Français- reading (each day) and journal entry (2 per week)--- only 1 entry needed in journal this week 

              - word quiz (Jan. 22nd)... Here are the words: alors, journée, toujours, sommes, plusieurs, encore, ballon, à peu près, finir, oiseau 

              - reading challenge (in class tomorrow): Bring mittens and hats


Social Studies- group project (in class) due Jan. 31st


Technology Friday $1 (fundraiser for year-end trip for 5V students)


Next skating dates: tomorrow, February 7, February 27 


***If anyone has cardboard tubes and/or packing tape or duct tape kicking around, please send it in. (It is needed for the next STEAM Day which will be announced.)