Devoirs/Homework- le 22 janvier

Posted: January 22, 2020


We didn't cover anything new today in class due to our bake sale, so homework from yesterday (Math questions and French quiz) will be carried over to tomorrow.


Math- review multiplication facts (each day)

         - p. 106 #2-4 


Français- reading (each day) and journal entry (2 per week)

              - word quiz (tomorrow)... Here are the words: alors, journée, toujours, sommes, plusieurs, encore, ballon, à peu près, finir, oiseau 


Technology Friday $1 (fundraiser for year-end trip for 5V students)


Cross-country skiing: January 28 (Please read and sign form given by Mr. Flynn)


Next skating dates: February 7, February 27 




***If anyone has cardboard tubes and/or packing tape or duct tape kicking around, please send it in. (It is needed for the next STEAM Day which will be announced.)