Posted: January 31, 2017
To: Parents
From: Mr. Flynn & Mr. Burns
Max Aitken Academy has several times booked for our students to go skating for the remainder of the winter. Times have been set aside by grade level and each grade will have at least three opportunities to skate at the Miramichi Civic Center. Students will travel by bus and are the responsibility of their homeroom teacher and are to stay with their class throughout the activity. The school does have some extra skates and helmets but not enough to outfit an entire school. Students who do not come dressed ready for skating on their particular day will have to stay back at the school.
Students will need the following gear:
• Winter or hockey gloves
• Winter coat
• Skates
• Hockey helmet (No bike helmets)
• Winter pants
We encourage parents of K-2 students to come to the rink to help assist in the tying of skates if possible. Parents are also welcome to help their child skate as long as skates are worn while on the ice.
Schedule for Elementary :
Kindergarten: Monday Feb. 13th 10:15- 11:30
Friday March 3rd 9:00- 10:15
Monday March 27th 10:15-11:30
Grade One: Friday Feb. 10th 10:15-11:30
Thursday March 2nd 10:15- 11:30
Monday March 20th 10:15-11:30
Grade Two: Friday Feb. 10th 9:00-10:15
Monday Feb. 27th 10:15-11:30
Friday March 17th 10:15-11:30
Grade Three: Thursday Feb. 9th 10:15-11:30
Monday Feb. 20th 10:15-11:30
Thursday March 16th 10:15-11:30
Grade Four: Monday Feb. 6th 10:15-11:30
Friday Feb. 17th 10:15-11:30
Monday March 13th 10:15-11:30
Grade Five: Friday Feb. 3rd 10:15-11:30
Thursday Feb.16th 10:15-11:30
Friday March 3rd 10:15-11:30
Thursday March 30th- 10:15-11:30
Schedule for Middle School:
Grade 6 (Travis-Mutch, Waye, & Richardson)- Thursday, Feb. 9th, Feb. 23rd, and March 23rd from 10:15- 11:30
Grade 7 (6/7 Barrieau, McKinnon, & Comeau)- Friday, Feb. 3rd, Feb. 17th, and March 17th from 9:00- 10:15
Grade 8 (7/8 Thompson, Eisner, & Mitton)- Monday, Feb. 6th, Feb. 20th, and March 20th from 9:00- 10:15