Devoir mardi le 19 septembre, 2017.

Posted: September 19, 2017

  • Important yellow information sheet inn early dismissal days for this school year has gone home today. Please fill out the bottom part and send back to homeroom teacher ASAP.
  •  Toonie for Terry ( This is 100% voluntary, our Terry Fox Walk with be Thursday September 28th at 1pm).
  • First middle school dance will be Friday September 22nd, 2017 from 7-9pm.
  • ****Looking for donations of old picture books or magazines in which students can use to cut out for collages throughout the year. If you have any laying around the house you have been wanting to get rid of, please send them in with your son/daughter and I will be happy to take them for my classroom. Thank you.
  • Scholastic book orders are due September 28th. Please make sure to write your son/daughter's name and homeroom on the order form. You may pay by cash, cheque or credit card (if you would like to pay by credit card, please send a note and I will send home an information sheet to explain how to pay by credit card).

6R Santé

  • Finir (finish) page titre (title page). What is Health for you? ( Qu'est-ce qu'est la santé pour toi?). Must be colored and have a minimum of 10 drawings to pictures represting what is health to them.  Page titre (title page) est due lundi le 25 septembre ( is due September 25th).

6R Français

  • Reading evaluation have begun ( running record). Each student will be evaluated on their reading abilities ( fluidity and comprehension) to be at a specific level students must both have fluidity in reading and be able to answer questions/ explain the main points of the story for comprehension.  Students will receive a pink information sheet explainging their strentghs and weaknessess. It will take a few weeks to a month to complete all reading evaluations. Once students have their reading level, they are to chose a book at their level from my classroom and be reading each night for a minimum of 15 minutes.


6R Social Studies

  • Title page is due next Thursday September 21st, 2017.


6/7 B Français

  • Grade 6- Pratiquer ( pratice) phrases et questions ( sentences and questions) orally.
  • Grade 6 - Pratiquer (practice) number #1-20, #21-50, #50-100 and alphabet in French.
  • Grade7 -Read 15 minutes each night ( with their chosen book from their level).


6/7B Science Humaine

  • Grade 6 & 7 title page is due next Friday September 22th, 2017.


7B Français

  • Read 15 minutes each night ( with their chosen book from their level). *** Some students don't have a book as I have run out of some leveled books and in the processes of ordering more. They have been asked to choose a "free choice" from my bookshelf to continue reading at night.