Posted: November 28, 2017
Due Date:
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
6R Classe titulaire
- Students who don't return their report card envelop and signed form will be issued detention tomorrow. Students have had 1 week to return these items.
- 6R- Will be having a bake sale on Thursday November 28th to raise money as they have chosen to participate in the SUN FM " Giving Tree" initiative. Please send in all bake sale items Wednesday or Thursday of next week.- Pink information sheet was sent home yesterday.
- Christmas Dinner 2017, all orders and payment are due by Friday December 1st ( Green information form was sent home yesterday).
- Next skating is Tuesday December 12th from 8:40-9:25.
- Next dance is Friday Decem ber 8th, all sign in sheets must be returned by Monday December 4th.
6R Santé
- Rien
6R Français
- Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday.
6R Social Studies
- Rien
6/7 B Français
- Grade 6 & 7 :Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday with their level book.
6/7B Science Humaine
- Rien
7B Français
- Read 15 minutes each night Monday-Thursday ( with their chosen book from their level). If they have reached level 30 they may choose a novel from my bookshelf ( free choice).