Devoir lundi le 23 avril, 2018.

Posted: April 23, 2018

Classe Titulaire 6R (Homeroom)

  • Any parent or guardian who stated they were donating for the canteen or bake sale you may send the canteen items at anytime this week. Bake sale items will be collected Friday or Saturday morning prior to 9am.
  • Fundraiser for Home and School " Make Over a Room", tickets have gone home today. One pack of tickets per child, if you would like more please just send a note to homeroom teacher. If your child is not able to sell these tickets, no problem at all, just send them back to the homeroom teacher.
  • Laser tag registration and money are to be returned ASAP as there are limited spaces available.

6R Santé

  • We have started the unit " Human Growth and Development".

6R Français

  • Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday.


6R Social Studies

  • Students have choosen an important Canadian who has impacted our Canadian History ( they may not choose an athlete, singer, actor). The purpose of this project is for them to choose a Canadian they know nothing about and create a Biographie about them. I want them to learn something new about our nations history. They chose 4 different categories ( Subtitles) and categories their information into the 4 subtitles.  All reserach and written part must be completed and reviewed by the teacher prior to starting their project/bristle board.
  • Final projects are due Monday April 30th, 2018.

6/7 B Français

  • Grade 6 & 7 :Reading 15 minutes Monday-Thursday with their level book.
  • Grade 6 students (all) and some grade 7 have receivced their username and password for " Au Royaume des sons" ( weblink can be found at the top of my teacher page). Students should be working on this website 1-2 times per week for 10-15 minutes (minimum).

6/7B Science Humaine

  • Students have choosen an important Canadian who has impacted our Canadian History ( they may not choose an athlete, singer, actor). The purpose of this project is for them to choose a Canadian they know nothing about and create a Biographie about them. I want them to learn something new about our nations history. They chose 4 different categories ( Subtitles) and categories their information into the 4 subtitles.  All reserach and written part must be completed and reviewed by the teacher prior to starting their project/bristle board.
  • Final projects will be due on Monday April 30th, 2018.