Welcome Back/ Bienvenue à une nouvelle année!

Posted: September 4, 2019

Homeroom/ Advisory- Richardson

Contact: cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.ca or by telephone 627-4986. 

I would like to welcome all my new and former students to what is shaping up to be a fantastic year ahead. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me and we can set up a meeting or phone call. Wishing everyone a happy, safe and amazing school year. 

  • Student fee is due $25.00 cash or cheque made payable to Max Aitken Academy. Receipt will be issued to the student once the fee has been received.
  •  Blue, green (both sides), blue and long white forms must be filled out, signed and returned to homeroom teacher ASAP.
  • Please send Kleenex boxes to homeroom teacher ASAP, if you have already thank you so much. We go through many boxes throughout the year. 
  • Early dismissal will begin Thursday September 5th, 2019. ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.