Devoir lundi le 9 septembre, 2019.

Posted: September 9, 2019

Homeroom/ Advisory- Richardson

Contact: sends e-mail) or by telephone 627-4086.  Please note, with our new schedule I may only be able to check and reply to e-mail after 3:15 pm.


  •  Blue, green (both sides), blue and long white forms must be filled out, signed and returned to homeroom teacher ASAP.
  • Please send Kleenex boxes to homeroom teacher ASAP, if you have already thank you so much. We go through many boxes throughout the year. 
  • Early dismissal has begun: ( Students will either go home at 2:00pm or stay for an activity).....students have signed up for a 6 week block and must follow what they have signed up for. If your child/ren's end of the day routine is changing you must notify the homeroom teacher in writing.
  • Meet the teacher is this Thursday September 12th, 2019 starting at 6pm in the cafeteria.
  • Scholastic book orders are ready to go for the month of September ( please find more information in the attached letter) also, you may view the scholastic flyers and pay directly online with credit card or PayPal.
  • Arrow Flyer September     
  • Teen Flyer September   
  • Club de Lecture  
  • Special Selections 


Francais 8E:

  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.Studens must complete the questionnaire about their interests at home if not finished.


Francais 7/8 L:


  • Reading every night from Monday-Thursday for a minimum of 20 minutes. All students have chosen a book to read last week and may change it at any time if it's to difficult or completed. Running recors will start later in the month of September.
  • Students must complete their '' Bande dessiné'' about their summer at home if not finished.


Francais 8P:

  • Nothing at this time.

Social Studies 8E:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Social Studies 7/8L:

  • We have begun discussing the 2019 Federal Election.

Collaboration 7/8L:

  • Nothing at this time.