Ms. Vye Notes

5V Colourful Pencils


Posted: January 27, 2021

  • French- reading and quiz tomorrow on words (déjà, certain(e), courir, je cours, elle court, le plaisir, un animal, des animaux, chaque, entre)  Also, have one reading log plus the vocabulary sheet completed for this week (8 words total on sheet).
  • Math- fact practice sheet (quiz Friday)

Posted: January 26, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry (quiz Thursday on words: déjà, certain(e), courir, je cours, elle court, le plaisir, un animal, des animaux, chaque, entre)
  • Math- fact practice sheet (quiz Friday)
  • Yearbooks $25 (until March 12th)

Posted: January 25, 2021

  • French- reading (quiz Thursday on words: déjà, certain(e), courir, je cours, elle court, le plaisir, un animal, des animaux, chaque, entre)
  • Math- fact practice sheet (quiz Friday)
  • Yearbooks $25 (until March 12th)

Posted: January 21, 2021

  • French- reading/ journal entry (total of 2 for the week)
  • Math- fact practice sheet

Posted: January 19, 2021

  • French- reading/ journal entry and spelling quiz (Thursday)
  • Math- fact practice sheet

Posted: January 18, 2021

  • French- reading and spelling quiz (Thursday)
  • Math- fact practice sheet
  • English- spelling quiz tomorrow

Posted: January 14, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry (total of 2 for the week)
  • Math- fact practice sheets (multiplication and division) for tomorrow
  • English- spelling quiz on Tuesday

Posted: January 13, 2021

  • French- reading and quiz on words (tomorrow): bientôt, enfin, nouveau, nouvelle, un oeuf, notre, votre, partout, chez, fort(e)
  • Math- fact practice sheets (multiplication and division) for tomorrow

Posted: January 12, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry... and quiz on new words (Thursday): bientôt, enfin, nouveau, nouvelle, un oeuf, notre, votre, partout, chez, fort(e)
  • Math- fact practice sheet (multiplication and division)- quiz tomorrow
  • Yearbook orders ($25)

Posted: January 11, 2021

  • French- reading and quiz on new words (Thursday): bientôt, enfin, nouveau, nouvelle, un oeuf, notre, votre, partout, chez, fort(e)
  • Math- fact practice sheet (multiplication and division)- quiz Wednesday

Posted: January 7, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry (2 entires for this week)
  • Math- division practice (sheet for tomorrow)- quiz on Wednesday

Posted: January 6, 2021

  • French- reading and quiz on new words (tomorrow): encore, il monte, monter, propre, souvent, toujours, jamais, parfois, une journée, le midi
  • Math- start on division practice (sheet of 20 questions for tomorrow)

Posted: January 5, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry for tomorrow and quiz on new words (Thursday): encore, il monte, monter, propre, souvent, toujours, jamais, parfois, une journée, le midi
  • Math- review X tables
  • skating dates: Jan 14 and Feb 4

Posted: January 4, 2021

  • Swimming (last day tomorrow)
  • French- reading and quiz on new words (Thursday): encore, il monte, monter, propre, souvent, toujours, jamais, parfois, une journée, le midi
  • Math- review X tables

Posted: December 16, 2020

  • French- reading only this week
  • English- Final copy of Smart Home writing piece due by Friday
  • Spirit Week- tomorrow is Jersey Day or MAA Colours Day... Friday is PJ DAy or Flannel Day
