Posted: November 1, 2021
8E Collaboration: I'm in the process of creating your groups within the Collaboration Team. I will be posting questions (by Wednesday November 3rd) in which you and your group members will need to answer regarding your project. These questions are to help guide your reserach and keep you on track with your "activity/ event".
8P1 & 8P2 Post Intensif French ( PIF): Please open your home learning packet, you have a booklet. Choose any 2 pages to do today. You are permitted to use word reference. If you have any questions you can e-mail me. Go to teams and answer the question I have asked, this will be attendance for today. You also have your " Tracking Form" if you do extra French activities today or any day, make sure to record them on your form.
7E & 8E Français: 1. Please open your home learning packet and complete the reading comprehension (ONLY), you may write directly on the paper. Don't forget to use your reading stratgies ( I will post them on Teams ASAP), I will also upload a copy of the reading comprehension, in case you can't locate your packet. You reading comprehension will be added in when we return to school ( must be completed).
2. Continue working on your " Bande Dessinée" are not permitted to begin your good copy before I have looked over your draft. If you are done your draft........ take a picture or scan and send to me by e-mail. This way I can send you feedback if there are things which need to be worked on. Drafts must be completed by Friday November 5th and sent to me. All good copies need to be done on white paper ( no lines) and colored. I will attach rubric and look fors both in French and English.
3. Go to teams and answer the question I have asked, this will be attendance for today (must be answered in French). You also have your " Tracking Form" if you do extra French activities today or any day, make sure to record them on your form.
7E & 8E Science Humaine: Nothing for today, check back tomorrow.