Home Learning Day 1

Posted: November 1, 2021

Bonjour mes amis!

Today is our first day of home learning. Our plan is to provide you with activities you can use from the Home Learning packets that were sent home in September and additional activities posted on our Teacher Pages.

Today’s activities are the following:

Litteracie/Language Arts

  1. Review the following sounds: a, e, i, o, u, é, è, oi, on - I will post the videos to go along with the sounds
  2. Read a book on https://jelis.rkpublishing.com/student/ 
    You can also record yourself reading and send it to me!

You can also access lalilo or auroyaume de sons, if you wish

If you need login information for any of those, please let me know


  1. Practice counting from 0 – 20 en francais. You can count objects in your home, count while you are walking, and count Halloween candy just for a few examples.

There is a new adventure posted on Zorbit's (https://play.zorbitsmath.com/) - if you do not have access to a computer or an ipad, there are math activities in your learning packet.

It is important to read to your child each day and have them go outside for physical activity.

Don't forget that you can listen to stories on Youtube, or watch videos on streaming platforms with the language changed to French.


If you have any questions please email me at marly.sutherland@nbed.nb.ca