Posted: March 17, 2015
Purple Team and Homeroom 6E1Scholastic book orders for the month of March are due Tuesday March 24th, 2015.We would like to congratulate Aryn Mitchell and Olivia Wakelin for being Students of the week on the Purple Team ( March 9th-13th). Way to go!We would like to congratulate Megan Bent for being Student of the Month for February! Way to go Megan you are a fantastic role model :-)We have received a new date for your sleigh ride :-))))) We will be going on our field trip Wednesday March 18th, 2015 leaving HMS at 10:45 and returning between 2:30-2:45. Winter clothing will be necessary, tuque, boots, coat, snow pants and winter mitts. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at cheryl.richardson@nbed.nb.ca,sites/all/modules/extlink/mailto.png) 100% 50% no-repeat;"> or 627-4088.All permission slips needs to be returned tomorrow March 18th- Sleigh ride + Carrefour Beausoleil. Français 6E1 et 6E2 Lecture 15 minutesFaire signer Compréhension de lecture "Le Match".FrançaisLecture 15 minutesFaire signer Compréhension de lecture " Le cheval de Monsieur LeBlanc et Le chat de Madame Duschene".6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).Faire signer + corrections du Quiz Chapitre #3 pour mercredi le 18 mars, 2015.6E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies)Faire signer + corrections du Quiz Chapitre #3 pour lundi le mercredi le 18, 2015.