Posted: November 7, 2013
All of Purple TeamRemembrance Day Ceremony will be this Friday November 8th, 2013, starting at 9:30 in the gym. All parents and guardians are welcome to join us.We would like to congratulate Joshua Russell and Jessica Doak for being Students of the Week on the Purple Team ( Oct.28th -Nov.1st).Congratulations to Harley Siddall for being Student of the Month on the Purple Team!Way to go ladies and gentleman!!!! Keep up the fantastic work and participation ;-)6E1 & 6E2 For both classes:6E1: Study words week #5 Quiz d'ortho mardi le 12 novembre, 2013./ 10 sentences using the spelling words from week #5 due tomorrow.6E1: Book report #1 "Le Caméléon" is due Tuesday November 12th.6E1: Faire signer Quiz "Le Caméléon"6E2: Study words week #5. Quiz d'ortho mercredi le 13 novembre, 2013. + 10 sentences using the spelling words from the week #5 due tomorrow.6E2: Faire signer ch. 4&5. Les Pirates6LLecture 10-15 minutes, students should be reading every night 10-15 minutes, 2nd book report is due November 8th, 2013. Students have begun working on this in class.Study words week #5 Quiz d'ortho mardi le 12 novembre, 2013.Les mots d'orthographe semaine #5 (6E1,6E2,6L)1. il y a 6. bonjour2. parce que 7. école3. madame 8. je4. un ami 9. enfant5. une amie 10. élève6L Science Humaine (Social Studies).FINAL PROJECTS ARE DUE FRIDAY NOVEMBER 8TH, 2013. 7E1 Science Humaine (Social Studies).Rien