Posted: February 23, 2017
Classe titulaire 6R (Richardson):If you have any questions or concerns please contact me Ms. Cheryl Richardson 627-4086 or by e-mail (link sends e-mail)
- Reminder no school this Friday February 24th, 2017 as teachers have a Professional Learning Day.
Français 6R
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
- Both writing pieces were due today Thursday February 23rd, 2017. ***Some students still have not handed them in.
- Reading comprehensions for " Loch Ness" will be due Monday February 27th.
Français 7LC
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
- Both writing pieces were due at the end of class Thursday February 23rd, 2017. ***Some students have not handed these in****
- Reading comprehensions for " Les Ovnis" will be due Monday February 27th.
Français 7/8T
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
- Both writing pieces were due at the end of class today Thursday February 23rd, 2017. *** Some students have yet to hand these in***
- Reading comprehensions for " Sasquatch" will be due Monday February 27th.
Français 8M
- Lecture (reading each night) 15- 20 minutes.
- Both writing pieces were due at the end of class today Thursday February 23rd, 2017. *** Some students have yet to hand these in***
- Reading comprehensions for " Sasquatch" will be due Monday February 27th.