Posted: June 15, 2017
Classe titulaire 6R (Richardson):If you have any questions or concerns please contact me Ms. Cheryl Richardson 627-4086 or by e-mail
- All permission forms for Laser Tag must be returned ASAP. If permission slips are not returned your son/daughter will not be permitted to participate.
- Castle Bowling field trip- Friday June 16th, 2017- Students will be leaving the school at 9:15am and returning at approx. 12:00pm
- If your son/daughter doesn't need any extra money, they will not be permitted to purchase anything more then their pre-ordered meal....this is the rule from DQ.
- They will require a nutrition snack, as we will be having Nutrition Break at the bowliing lanes.
Français 6R
- Rien/none
Français 7LC
- Rien/none
Français 7/8T
- Rien/none
Français 8M
- Rien/ none