Mrs. Kingston

Mrs. Kingston's Teacher Page

Posted: February 24, 2020


Math 6E - Finish P.194 # 6, 8, 10, 11 and review sheet for next class.

Math 7E - Finish P.115 # 1-6
               - Percent review sheet due on March 9th

Science 6E/7E - STEM Fair/Inventor's Workshop is tomorrow (9:00-11:00 am).
Make sure you have all necessary materials.

Posted: February 13, 2020


Math 6E - Finish ratio and percent worksheets from class (if not finished).

Math 7E - Finish textbook review and first side of fraction worksheet.

Science 6E/7E - Students are working on their STEM Fair/Inventor's Workshop project at school. Bring in necessary materials.


Posted: February 5, 2020


Math 6E - No homework

Math 7E - Finish division of decimals worksheet

Science 6E/7E - Students are working on their STEM Fair/Inventor's Workshop project at school. Bring in necessary materials.

Posted: February 3, 2020


Math 6E - Finish questions from class (P.174 # 3, 4, 6, 7, 8)

Math 7E - Review examples for division

Science 6E/7E - Students are working on their STEM Fair/Inventor's Workshop project at school. Bring in necessary materials. 

Last call for Grade 8 baby pictures and Kindergarten first day of school pictures for this year’s yearbook. 

We are unable to accept photos received after Friday, January 24th.  

The pictures can be emailed to Ms. Kingston (her email address is on the school web site).  

Thanks in advance for your cooperation! 

Posted: January 13, 2020

Les Inventions- Vidéos

Teen inventor wants to better the world with her water-cleaning system:

B.C. teen inventor attracting international attention

7 Best Inventions of 2019 


Posted: January 10, 2020


Math 7E - Finish questions P.94 # 7, 8, 11

Science 6E - Lab #3 is due on Monday.

Posted: January 9, 2020

Image result for yearbook clipart copyright free

Reminders from the Yearbook Committee:

Notices were sent home with Kindergarten students about sending in pictures from their first day of school. 

Grade 8 students received a notice about submitting a baby picture. Pictures should be emailed to Mrs. Kingston. Her email address was on the notice and can also be found on the school website.

For students that indicated they would like to purchase a yearbook, there will be a table set up at lunch time in the cafeteria on Wednesdays and Fridays for the next three weeks. You can also go see Mrs. Kingston to pay for your yearbook.  Please pay at your earliest convenience.

The cost is $25.00. 









Posted: January 9, 2020


Math 6E - Finish P.41 # 1-4
           - Quiz tomorrow

Science 6E - Finish Lab #2 & 3 (to hand in)

Math 7E - Finish P.94 #4, 5, 6a


Posted: January 8, 2020


Math 7E - Finish P.88 # 4, 5, 9

Math 6E - Finish P.31 # 1-4

Science 6E - Lab report due on Friday

Sc.Hum. 7E - Review notes for quiz next week (Unit 1)

Bake sale tomorrow.


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Added: Wed, Mar 15 2023


Added: Thu, May 26 2022