Mrs. McLean


In the book, The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate, Lily wonders why they make these animals work in these places and they don't get to live in their own natural habitat?  Are animals in Canada allowed to be in a circus?  Megan wonders how the author came up with this story.  The One and Only Ivan is based on a true story about a real gorilla.  Why don't they have real trees and real plants in their domains?  Zander is wondering if the gorilla gets to play with other animals?  This story made Juliana think about illegal capturing of animals.  Mya is wondering if Ivan was taken from his parents when he was a baby or when he was wild?  How long do gorillas live?  Madilyn is wondering how big the domains are.  Bryce is wondering what they use to capture the animals.  Emma is wondering how old the other animals were when they got taken.  Lily is wondering why any animals are in zoos, captivity.  Avalynn is wondering where they get the food for Ivan.  Mrs. McLean is wondering what Ivan eats.  Megan is wondering why they are allowed to incarcerate animals.  Bryce is wondering if Ivan is abused.  

In the book, The One and Only Ivan by Katherine Applegate, Ivan is somewhat of a poet, "it has a waterfall without water, flowers without scent and trees without roots," (Applegate p.5-6).  Ivan reminds me of a person who is on the spectrum because he knows so much and even wants to read to pass the time, but it is like he is trapped in a cage, stuck in their own minds.  He has a hard time expressing his feelings.  It seems that they are just stuck in their domains and don't come out.  They only see the mall.   "My domain is made of thick glass and rusty metal and rough cement," (Applegate p.6).  On the sign it makes Ivan look angry but he says he is never angry.  People are putting words into his mouth.  It is false advertising.  

Posted: October 1, 2020

A simile is a comparison using "like" or "as."  

Ex: johnny is as quick as a fox.  

They played tag like cats and dogs.  

Posted: October 1, 2020

Language Arts: Watch videos about Orange Shirt Day posted below.  

Answer the question: Why is Orange Shirt Day important in 3-5 sentences.  

Orange shirt day is important because...


Due Date: 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Posted: September 29, 2020

Phyllis Webstad and The Orange Shirt

Posted: September 29, 2020

Gord Downie (The Tragically Hip) and "The Secret Path"

Posted: September 29, 2020

Wear and orange shirt, for Orange Shirt Day, Sept. 30, 2020.


Due Date: 

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Posted: September 28, 2020

Noun Quest

Posted: September 24, 2020

World Games
