Ms. Vye

5V Colourful Pencils
  • French- reading (15 mins) and 2 journal entries for the week
  • Math- review of multiplication facts (2-12), quiz will be tomorrow, and finish up "number of the day" exercise for tomorrow
  • permission sheet for swimming to return
  • skating next week- Dec 3rd  (**no Phys Ed on Wednesday, but will still be held Monday morning outside, so dress appropriately**)
  • Book fair class visit to library- **Wednesday**
  • Parent-Teacher notice sent home today. Please return:) 

Posted: November 25, 2020

  • French- reading (15 mins), 2 journal entries for the week, word quiz tomorrw (quand, je veux, il veut, maintenant, vous aimez, peut-être, puis, le jour, jouer, un jeu)
  • Math- review of multiplication facts (2-12), quiz will be Friday and finish up "number of the day" exercise for Friday
  • permission sheet for swimming to return
  • skating next week- Dec 3rd (no Phys Ed on Monday)
  • Book fair class visit- Monday

Posted: November 24, 2020

  • French- reading (15 mins), 2 journal entries for the week, word quiz on Thursday (quand, je veux, il veut, maintenant, vous aimez, peut-être, puis, le jour, jouer, un jeu)
  • Math- review of multiplication facts (2-12), quiz will be Friday
  • Potato orders due tomorrow
  • Notice for swimming given today. Please sign and return. (Three dates have been scheduled: Dec 8, Dec 15, and Jan 5)
  • Book Fair information is on MAA website (5V will have a chance to view it on Nov 30)

Posted: November 23, 2020

  • French- reading (15 mins), 2 journal entries for the week, word quiz on Thursday (quand, je veux, il veut, maintenant, vous aimez, peut-être, puis, le jour, jouer, un jeu)
  • Math- review of multiplication facts (2-12), quiz will be Friday
  • Potato orders due Wednesday

Posted: November 19, 2020

  • Special meal "Spuds for Buds" will be offered on Nov. 27th. Order forms and money due in by Nov. 25th:)
  • Next skating date is scheduled on Dec. 3rd

Posted: November 18, 2020

  • French- reading (15 mins), journal entry (1 this week), and finish up "ma partie préférée" handout for reading journal
  • French- vocabulary quiz tomorrow on the following words: tu dors, il dort, où, ou, la neige, si, j'ai faim, par, je vais, elle va 
  • Math- continue reviewing multiplication tables
  • PJ and Hat Day ($1 each) tomorrow

Posted: November 17, 2020

  • French- reading (15 mins), journal entry (1 this week), and finish up "ma partie préférée" handout for reading journal
  • French- vocabulary quiz Thursday on the following words: tu dors, il dort, où, ou, la neige, si, j'ai faim, par, je vais, elle va 
  • Math- continue reviewing multiplication tables
  • PJ and Hat Day ($1 each)- Thursday

Posted: November 16, 2020

  • French- reading (15 mins) and vocabulary quiz Thursday on the following words: tu dors, il dort, où, ou, la neige, si, j'ai faim, par, je vais, elle va 
  • Math- continue reviewing multiplication tables
  • Orders for hats/mittens due Wednesday

Posted: November 12, 2020

  • French- reading and 1 journal entry for the week
  • Math- X tables
  • Photo retakes- Monday

Posted: November 10, 2020

  • skating on Thursday with Mr. Flynn
  • Sibling photo memo needs to be returned on Nov. 13th, if applicable. Retakes on Nov. 16th
  • Math- continue to review multiplication tables each evening (work on the ones that give you trouble)
  • French- reading (15 mins) and journal entry. Also, spelling quiz on Thursday.


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Added: Mon, Oct 3 2022