Posted: April 26, 2020
Students, Parents & Guardians:
Welcome to Week 4! We miss you all so much!! We have been enjoying all of the pictures sent our way. It is so nice to see your faces. If you have more pictures you would like to send in or if you have any questions, you can find your teacher’s email here.
In this week’s grid, you can find a link to Story Books Canada under the ‘Literacy Links’. There are lots of options and you can choose the language and the level of the books. There is also audio to playback the words on the page – great for FI students for pronunciation, or English students reading on their own.
I hope you were all hard at work last week with your moose pictures. Make sure they are up in your window as some of your teachers and principals will be out “moose hunting”!
Check out Mrs. Page’s cooking on her teacher page to see what she has in store for the week!
You can access Tumble Books here. Username: nblib Password: nbschools
We hope you have a great week & know that we are thinking of you all!
- MAA Primary Team