Homework & reminders

Posted: October 19, 2017

Due Date: 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Students brought hom a new book to read tonight. "Voici..." is a short book that focuses on the "i" sound. (pronounced like the letter E in the english word 'sheep')
We have read this book in class a few times and many were reading it independently today!

Also a reminder for:
 - Skating forms (Check Yes or No, if your child has/does not have skates and a helmet. If they want to see if the school has their size to borrow, please indicate size needed)
 - October 25th (Wednesday) is another early dismissal day. Students will be going home at 11:30am. A form was sent home yesterday to ensure we have accurate information about where to send your child that day. Please return it as soon as possible.

Have a great weekend!

Student's reminder: "Treat other people the way you want to be treated!"