Posted: January 13, 2022
Bonjour mes amis!
C'est le jeudi 13 janvier 2022 et il fait plus chaud dehors aujourd'hui!
Voici ton travail pour aujourd'hui:
1) Lecture et journal de lecture (reading & reading log entry)
2) Problème du jour - jeudi (problem of the day)
3) Orthographe : leçon 7 (les jour de la semaine/days of the week practice)
4) Maths : Questions 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
5) Daily Check-in form: here
*You can always review your sight word list (in the packet you have the grade 1 list which you should know VERY WELL, and I have the grade 2 list in the documents' section. Click here to see it.)
*Mr. Flynn's January challenge activity (Should be getting AT LEAST 30 minutes of movement!)
* Check Mr. Flynn's page, Mrs. Gallant's page for other activities
There is a ZORBITS assignment each week that you may do at your convenience. You may at anytime also work on LALILO, and read extra books on BOUKILI.
Keep ALL work you've done and have it ready to pass in when we return to school. If you do not return any work you will be marked absent for these days of at home learning.
Have a great day!
Mme Comeau (