Home Learning - Le 1 novembre 2021

Posted: November 1, 2021


    Bonjour! Bon matin! Allo mes amis! C'est Lundi le 1 novembre 2021!


Today we start learning from home, but we hope to be back in person real soon. Your assignments for today are listed below.
All of your login information has been sent to your parents' email. If you have not received yours, please send me a message. (tracy.lhuillier@nbed.nb.ca


- Read for 15 minutes. (French - you should have a book at your level and hopefully your library books)

- Write sentences with the following 5 sight words from words we have worked on this year.
1. beau
2. belle
3. prend
4. le
5. la

- Lalilo (online): Click on "student in school" code: PBKGCT. (Students know how to get on this with a simple google search of Lalilo.)


- Review numbers 1-100, counting up and down.

- Review written numbers to 100.

- Problème du jour: 
   Logan a 17 sacs de bonbons. Sa soeur a mangé 6 sacs quand Logan était dehors. Combien de sacs de bonbon est-ce que Logan a maintenant? (Show your work and keep your paper or take a photo so I can check your work.)

- Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer): assignment "Le premier novembre" (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment). If you have any other unfinished assignments, you can work on those as well.


Physical Activity
Min. 30 minutes: Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air! It looks like a beautiful day!


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.


Please complete our daily check-in!: https://forms.gle/mZNKboEZdd5oxzqy7


If you have any questions, please email me at: tracy.lhuillier@nbed.nb.ca


Bonne journée!

- Mme Comeau