Posted: April 20, 2020
I hope you are all staying healthy, having some fun and doing some learning!
I really love chatting with you all and will be in touch again real soon!
- For our next conversation, I'd love to hear about your favorite thing you've done so far, since we've been out of school!
- Est-ce que tu fais de l'exercise amusant?
- Est-ce que tu as joué des jeux avec ta famille?
- Est-ce que tu as fait des bricolages ou des pièces d'arts que tu aimes beaucoup?
Laissez-moi savoir!
Important reminders:
- Every Monday you can check out the week's home learning activities for K-2 students here. They are really fun!
(As French immersion students you should do your best to attempt some of the activities in French.) - If possible, have a little chat with classmates (on the phone or through video chats), siblings, parents, or even your pets & stuffed animals can listen!
- This week: try to discuss what is for supper and if you like it or not. - Keep on doing the great work on the 10monkeys math site. Click here and log in to play. (I can send the email with log in info, if you deleted the email I sent a few weeks ago.) NOTE: The activities will be accessible until June 30th but the chance to win a license for our whole school to use the program ends Friday at 2pm, so lets get us a ton of points to get us in the top 20!
- Try to listen to some French radio or watch French videos/movies/tv shows.
- Lastly, practice your sight words! I have uploaded the list from grade 1 (click here). We spent the first half of the year reviewing this list. These words should be solid for next year! I will put up the grade 2 words we did discuss in class in a couple of weeks. I have or will be sending you a personalized list of words your child had difficulty with and should focus on.
If you want even more learning ideas, send me an email, I am looking at some apps and websites that could be useful for your child, but don't work too hard. These are different times and no one expects the children to work like they would at school. Read together, be active and try to keep your brain sharp for when we get together again!
Chat soon!
Mme Comeau