Home Learning - week 6

Posted: May 13, 2020

If I didn't get to speak with you last week, I will be calling this week! (Or already have) I love hearing what you've all been up to since we last spoke. 

Please send me photos and videos of all the exciting things you've been doing and also of any work you'd like to share.

You can find this week's activities grid here.

Over the last couple of weeks, I sent everyone a list of sight words that your child was still having trouble after the Christmas holidays. If they are comfortable reading those words now, they may move onto the next list of words. (Not all were introduced yet, when we left the classroom, but if they feel like they want to challenge themselves; choose 7-10 words per week to practice reading. Spelling by heart is not the goal, just familiarizing themselves and being able to read the word.) I will try to upload a list of words each week using the words in a sentence, for meaning. I will also TRY to record myself saying the word and sentence to help with pronounciation. 

I also just sent out passwords for Raz-Kids and assigned each student a book or two (begining levels) to try out the site. If I see your child has gone on and done well, I will then assign them a more challenging level book. Check your email for more information. 

Finally, if I spoke with you last week on the phone, feel free to reply to my emails anytime and I will respond when I get a minute. If you want to chat, I will try to find the time to call you before bedtime. I miss you all!

Talk to you soon!