Homework info

Posted: October 7, 2020

Happy Wednesday!

I just wanted to send off a quick note that the homework copied in your child's 1/2 notebook labelled "Devoirs" is written for the week. They have until Friday morning to finish that work, unless otherwise stated. (Hopefully this helps if children are in swimming, dance, hockey, etc.) 
We have started slow with practicing number recognition and, this week, a couple sheets of printing practice.
Soon we will add reading homework (Guided reading books should be read daily & returned to school each day). 

Reminders: Please know that whatever is sent home has always been gone over/reviewed/read already in class and your child should know what to do, if they were being good listeners. (Which they would be!)

Ways to practice numbers 1 to 50
 - Point to or write down a random number and have your child name it (reference the chart of numbers & their names in the homework folder)
 - (if you can say they numbers in French) Say the number and have your child write it, or point to it.
 - Have your child count forward & backwards, starting at different numbers.
 - Click on this link and have your child sing and watch the "worm song"