Le 18 janvier - Home learning

Posted: January 18, 2022

Bonjour classe!!! 
Voici ton travail pour aujourd’hui.

1) Lecture et journal de lecture (Reading & log entry) (Boukili code: pwezf8)
2) Problème du jour – Semaine 2 mardi (Math problem of the day)
3) L’histoire « Louis et Mika » et questions de compréhension – jour 2 (I read the story yesterday- here. Today you can read it on your own and then answer the next 3 questions.
4) Orthographe leçon 8. (Vocabulaire de l'école)
5) Math - "Les fractions" sheet. We have discussed briefly what fractions are. This is an introductory worksheet to try. 
6) Daily Check-in form: Click here
7) Daily physical activity (Mr. Flynn’s DEAM challenge and/or other activities from his page.)
8) Check Mrs. Gallant’s page for music activities
*You can always go play on Zorbit and/or Lalilo if you need something else to do.

Please keep all your work together in a safe place. Please put your name on each page. This will need to be turned in when we return to in-person learning.

If you have any questions or concerns, leave them in the check-in form, or send me a message.

Have a terrific Tuesday!
Mme Comeau