Le 2 novembre 2021

Posted: November 2, 2021

Bon mardi matin! C'est le 2 novembre 2021!


Your assignments for today are listed below.

Your login information for Zorbits has been sent to your parents' email. If you have not received yours, please send me a message. (tracy.lhuillier@nbed.nb.ca


- Read for 15 minutes. (French - you should have a book at your level and hopefully your library books, English reading will help with your strategies, as I know French books may be limited in your homes. Tomorrow we should be set up for some online reading.)
- Write sentences with the following 5 sight words from words we have worked on this year.
1. prend
2. les
3. autre
4. toujours
5. souvent

- Lalilo (online): Click on "student in school" code: PBKGCT. (Students know how to get on this with a simple google search of Lalilo.)


- Review numbers 1-100, counting up and down by 2s & 10s.
- Review written numbers to 100.
- Problème du jour: 
À partir de 15, additionne 3 chaque fois. Peux-tu écrire la regularité?
   (Show your work and keep your paper or take a photo so I can check your work.)

- Zorbits (app on iPad or chrome browser on laptop/computer):
Continue assignment "Le premier novembre" (login to zorbits app, click on the bookbag in the top right corner, click the megaphone, and then "aller" on the assignment). A new assignment will be assigned tomorrow (Wed.) If you have any other unfinished assignments, you can work on those as well.


Physical Activity
Min. 30 minutes: Enjoy some time outside and the fresh air! OR do Just Dance on youtube!
Also Mr. Flynn posted about a Leaf walk on his teacher page :) 


* Reminder to keep all paper copies of work to bring with you when we return to school.


Please complete our daily check-in!: https://forms.gle/C6nLqVvB2jh4VwUk6 

If you have any questions, please email me at: tracy.lhuillier@nbed.nb.ca


Bonne journée!

- Mme Comeau