Mardi le 11 janvier, 2022

Posted: January 11, 2022

Bonne Année classe!
Voici ce que tu dois faire aujourd'hui:
1) Lecture - Read a book on Boukili (class code:pwezf8) then record the title, date, and fill in the 3 questions about the book you read. on the Daily Reading Log sheets provided.
2) Problème du jour - Do the problems of the day for Lundi and Mardi (lundi is a pattern & mardi is putting the numbers in order)
3) Orthographe : leçon 6 (This is the sheets we had been doing for homework before the break.)
4) Math - "Additionner des nombres à 2 chiffres" worksheet. So you can practice adding two digit numbers together for today. There is an example at the top of the page that shows the 2 different ways we have looked at adding 2 digit numbers together.
5) Phys Ed - Mr. Flynn included a "DEAM - Drop Everything And Move" calendar for January. There are 31 different activities on there that you can do to get your body moving. It's very cold today, so you may want to choose one that can be done indoors. (most can)

For those that can and want to access online ressources.

You may go on to Zorbit (there is an assignment in your backpack on there), or Lalilo (Code: PBKGCT) to work on extra things.
You may also read extra books on Boukili and I will also post a link to a short French video I'd like you to watch if you have time.

Please fill out the daily check in with any questions or concerns at:

Also you may email me anytime:

Please keep all of your completed work in a safe place to bring back to school when we return.
I will be marking it (I want to see your work, not necessarily perfect work.) and I will be noting who is participating.

I also welcome videos messages and recorded readings on Boukili as often as you'd like.
I ask that if you can access it that you do record yourself reading on Boukili at least 2 times per week, if you can.

Mme Comeau