
Posted: January 19, 2018

We started a new system to encourage speaking in French at all times in class.
Students are rewarded with classroom dollars which they can redeem for various coupons/items on select Fridays.
If you see any of these dollars around, encourage your child to bring them to school and leave them here. (I have offered to keep their baggie of "money" for them, but some have opted to keep it with them or in their seat sac.)
I made it very clear that I do not keep track of who has how much and if they lose it before the store opens, it will not be replaced. This is to teach them responsibility, which we discussed several times this week.

We are continuing with new sounds every week, adding many sight words to the word wall (which they should be able to read), counting to 100 daily with a focus on numbers to 50, skip counting by 10s to 100, by 2s to 20 & numbers 1 more than, 2 more than, 1 less than & 2 more than a given number. Students are really starting to create sentences when speaking French and can ask & answer many questions about themselves and others!

With a broadening vocabulary we are really focusing on reading and writing in French and I can't wait to see how they continue to progress.

Bravo mes amis!