Update Oct 6

Posted: October 6, 2017

This week we...
- increased our number work from 0-10 to 0-20. (Counting forward, recognizing he numbers individually, and we are working on counting backwards.)
- Really focused on the "Aa" sound as in 'Maria'
     +We sang songs and read books that focused on the "a" sound
     + YES they read their first French book on their own!! "Maria" is a very short repetetive book with a focus on the sound 'a'. 
     + Some chose to bring the small paper book home to read this weekend, but it was not homework. They are doing awesome!
- We reviewed all sentence structures to date:
     + Je m'appelle... Il/Elle s'appelle...Comment t'appelle-tu?
     + La date aujourd'hui...
     + Le météo (weather of the day)
     + J'aime/Je n'aime pas...
     + Quel age as-tu? J'ai __ ans.
- We worked on begining sounds of French words (many consonants have similar sounds to English)
- The alphabet
- The 4 seasons
- Thanksgiving "Action de grace"
- "Merci", "S'il vous plait" (Thank you, Please)
- And many classroom routines are still being practiced (Volume level when in class, how to actively listen (with whole body & mind),lining up, walking through the halls, etc...)