Healthy Food Fortune Teller

Posted: November 4, 2021

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well and that you are getting outside to practice your soccer skills and using the DEAM Calendar to keep track of your physical activity. Below is another activity that will allow you to not only keep fit but to also get creative. The first link is a "Fruit Fortune Teller" that you can cut out and create to try on your family and friends. After trying that out the second link allows you to make up your own using healthy food and other exercises (try burpees, mountain climbers, push-ups, jumping jacks, inch worms). If you need help understanding of how to fold the fortune teller there will be a link to a youtube video at the end of this paragraph. The weather has been great so get outside and stay active!

PDF icon fruitfortuneteller.pdf302.51 KB
File nfth_ft_diy-template_1.docx238.03 KB