Ms. Vye Notes

5V Colourful Pencils


Posted: April 12, 2021

French- reading and spelling quiz Thursday

Math- sheet and quiz on Wednesday (multiplication and division facts)

Tech Thursday- $1 (to help cover costs for year-end class activities)

Return report card sheets signed

Posted: April 8, 2021

French- reading and 1 journal entry for the week (by end of this week, 6 entries total so far)

French- word quiz tomorrow (ses, c'est, je sais, il sait, quel, quelle, un oiseau, elles vont, la, là)

Math- sheet

Tech Friday- $1 (to help cover costs for year-end class activities)

Tomorrow- Jersey Day to support Elsipogtog for Kraft Hockeyville

Return report card sheets signed

Posted: April 7, 2021

French- reading and 1 journal entry for the week (by end of this week, 6 entries total so far)

French- word quiz will be on Friday of this week (ses, c'est, je sais, il sait, quel, quelle, un oiseau, elles vont, la, là)

Math- sheet

Tech Friday- $1 (to help cover costs for year-end class activities)

Friday- Jersey Day to support Elsipogtog for Kraft Hockeyville


Posted: April 6, 2021

French- reading and quiz will be on Friday of this week (ses, c'est, je sais, il sait, quel, quelle, un oiseau, elles vont, la, là)

Math- sheet

Tech Friday- $1



Posted: April 1, 2021

  • French- reading and 2nd journal entry for this week


Have a great Easter weekend:)

Joyeuses Pâques:)

Posted: March 31, 2021

  • French- reading and quiz tomorrow (pendant, malade, comme, aujourd'hui, dessous, dessus, chaud(e), vieux, vieille, alors)
  • Math-  sheet
  • Science- continue working on project if not quite done

Posted: March 30, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry for tomorrow... quiz on Thursday (pendant, malade, comme, aujourd'hui, dessous, dessus, chaud(e), vieux, vieille, alors)
  • Math-  sheet
  • Science- continue working on project if not quite done
  • English- spelling quiz tomorrow
  • Tech Wed $1

Posted: March 29, 2021

  • French- reading and quiz on Thursday (pendant, malade, comme, aujourd'hui, dessous, dessus, chaud(e), vieux, vieille, alors)
  • Math-  sheet
  • Science- continue working on project if not quite done
  • English- spelling quiz on Wed
  • Special Easter Lunch- orders due tomorrow (will be served on Thursday)
  • Tech Wed $1


Posted: March 24, 2021

  • French- reading and spelling quiz tomorrow
  • Math-  sheet
  • Science- continue working on project if not completed (extended due date: March 29th)
  • English- spelling quiz next Wednesday
  • PJ/Hat Day tomorrow ($1 each)

Posted: March 23, 2021

  • French- reading and journal entry (2 total for the week). Spelling quiz (Thursday)
  • Math-  sheet
  • Science- continue working on project if not completed (extended due date: March 29th)
  • Tech Wed- $1

Posted: March 22, 2021

  • French- reading and spelling quiz (Thursday)... 2 journal entries for the week in total
  • Math-  sheet
  • Science- continue working on project if not completed (extended due date: March 29th)
  • Tech Wed- $1

Posted: March 18, 2021

  • French- reading & journal entry
  • Math-  sheet and quiz tomorrow (on double-digit mutiplication and long division)
  • Science- continue working on project... Project presentations will be the week of March 22nd
  • Tech Friday- $1

Posted: March 17, 2021

  • French- reading & Vocbulary quiz tomorrow (aussitôt, autre, devant, en arrière, une porte, un sac, tu fais, on fait, froid(e), faire)
  • Math-  sheet and quiz Friday (on double-digit mutiplication and long division)
  • Science- continue working on project... Project presentations will be the week of March 22nd
  • Tech Friday- $1

Posted: March 16, 2021

  • French- reading/ journal entry & Vocbulary quiz on Thursday (aussitôt, autre, devant, en arrière, une porte, un sac, tu fais, on fait, froid(e), faire)
  • Math- quiz Friday (on double-digit mutiplication and long division)
  • Science- continue working on project... Project presentations will be the week of March 22nd
  • Tech Friday- $1

Posted: March 15, 2021

  • French- reading & Vocbulary quiz Thursday (aussitôt, autre, devant, en arrière, une porte, un sac, tu fais, on fait, froid(e), faire)
  • Math- practice sheet 
  • Science- continue working on project... Project presentations will be the week of March 22nd
  • Tech Friday- $1
